Monday, December 19, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

No no no... not the holiday season.... ANNUAL REVIEW TIME! Just so everyone knows, I will be at all inservices where transition information is going to be discussed. If you are unable to make the inservice, all transition handouts will be available both on this website AND in the annual review cheat sheet folder.  

The most commonly asked transition question I seem to get about transition is How do I write a transition plan when the student genuinely has NO idea what they want to do post college. The answer is a fairly simple one. First,  you probably need to prod just a  little bit... find out what they DO want to do. Do they know if  they would like to be employed full time? Do they know if they plan on attending a junior college or a four year college? In most instances if students don't know exactly what they want to do, they have an idea of what they want to do. We want to be as specific as possible, so any information is better than no information.
An example of a post-secondary goal for a student who knows they want to go to school, but doesn't know what they want to study would be:

Upon graduation, John will go to a four-year university full time to pursue a four year degree.

 If the student indicates that they don't know what they would like to do when they exit high school, we should definitely write a career cruising or interest inventory goal to help them determine what they want to do. The whole purpose of a transition plan is to support the student in their post secondary goal, and that if they don't have a goal, that we are doing everything in 
our power to help them discover what their goal should be.

As we go through annual reviews, I will be posting commonly asked questions on here with answers; so check back often and see what is new in transition!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Save the Date!

The date for the Will-Grundy Transition Conference has been set!!

March 24th, 2012


at Joliet Junior College.

Many post-secondary agencies and facilities in one location for your convenience....

Gather information, ask questions, and network with others who are looking for the same kind of services. 

If you have any questions, or know some one who needs mor information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 815-942-5780. 

Download a copy of the Save the Date Flyer HERE

Monday, October 31, 2011

Just a note...

Here is a great website that talks about the different types of transition assessments and how they can be used to create a well documented transition plan.

Age Appropriate Transition Assessments

Transition Planning

     With the majority of senior annual reviews behind us, it is now time to breathe a quick sigh of relief and focus in on annual reviews.  Coming out of senior annual reviews, the most common question that I have come across, as far as transition is concerned, comes when a student is reluctant to give us any guidance as to what their plans are for post high school.  To remedy this, my first suggestion would be to assure the student that they can change their minds in the future. Usually just knowing that they can change their mind is enough to illicit some sort of response. If they are still reluctant to pinpoint anything specific, it important to sit down with the student and have a discussion about what their strengths and weaknesses are. This should help steer us in a certain occupational direction. It also might mean that we have a few students deciding they would like to play professional baseball, and that is ok.  A transition plan is an evolving document that can and should change with time. If we have tried everything and STILL can't get them to be specific, try to get the student to narrow down their occupation to one field in which the student feels comfortable, (working with people, working with animals, working in an office.. ext). Our main goal is to make our post secondary outcomes as specific and as measurable as possible. 

All of this and other topics can be found in the second edition of Transition Talk, found in an email or over on the side bar! Until the next time....