As we approach IEP annual review season, (aka the most wonderful time of the year), I encourage you to take a look at the new resource added to the side bar titled "The Book". This is a resource put together by a lawyer in Naperville that walks parents through the "BIG" services that a student and parent need to be aware of, including the PUNS list, Social Security benefits, and Guardianship. In addition to explaining why it is important to be on the list, it also goes into detail about the different stages of waiting for funding.
As an additional reminder, please remember to add independent living goals TO ALL IEPs. Remember, daily living skills are only one facet to this area. You can also include goals about managing transportation, finances, managing own medications, self advocacy..... ext. Concurrently, when you make the change to the transition plan, make sure that your INDICATOR 13 FORM at the end of the IEP process is changed to reflect that those goals have been added!!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Kate Ross or Michelle Laird at the Cooperative. :-) Take Care!